I made this page for a special reason
It is my desire to have you know
how much God cares for you,
and His overwhelming generosity to you
through His Son, Jesus Christ.
It is His arms that reach out to you today,
to hold you and embrace you in His incredible love.
Jesus is God's gift, and it is through Him alone
that each of us can experience the joy of being
forgiven. It is my prayer that this joy will be yours.

A note: This was a card given to me by a special friend a few years ago and I have used this many times to witness to others. I pray that whosoever reads this will also use it to witness to others, and that this page will speak to someones heart and bring the unsave to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, repent and make Him Lord of their lives.

The picture Forgiven reveals the heart of God towards you. As you look at the picture you see not only Jesus wrapping His arms around a fallen man, you see Him wrapping His arms of mercy around you. Your eyes say, "Jesus is holding a broken sinner." Your heart says, "Jesus is holding me." When you look at the cross you will never need to question if He loves you. He came for you---He died for you---He lives for you. What a tremendous price has been paid---more than all the riches of all the kingdoms in all the world. This price was paid so you could know the joy of being forgiven.

God's Gift is Given Freely

Grace is the kindness and favor of God extended to you
freely. Grace is God saying to you, "You can do nothing to earn forgiveness, I have provided it for you. Come and receive My free gift." Because of Grace there is no debt you need to pay God to be forgiven ... no works to do in order to please Him ... no burden to carry in order to earn His favor. Grace is the absolute goodness of God poured generously upon you with kindness to heal your wounds ... with power to renew your strength ... with hope to restore your soul ... with love to make your life new.

The Joy Of Being Forgiven

Jesus seeks us out in the spiritual darkness
we live in because of our sin. At the heart of our sin is an attitude that says, "Iwant my own way." Although we try and hide from God because of our sin, He is not hiding from us. He is standing near us ... reaching out with arms of mercy ... inviting us into the marvelous light of His
forgiveness and love.

He Came Because We Needed Him

Jesus came from heaven to earth even though we didn't know how desperately we needed Him. He came to pay the debt of our sin that we owed, but couldn't pay. He didn't die as a martyr or as a reformer. He died to take the judgement for our sin because that was the only way we could be forgiven. We were the guilty ones, and He took our place of judgement on the cross. The mallet and the spikes were in our hands --- goodness and mercy were in His ... rebellion and deceit were in our nature --- grace and truth were in His ... hardness and coldness were in our hearts --- tenderness and compassion were in His.

Returning To God's Arms

God is the loving Father waiting for His lost child to return home. In order for us to return to His arms of love and be forgiven we must turn from our selfish way, and be willing to be changed. In our returning we see the light of His Holy love. It is our need of Him that draws us to the light; it is our faith in Him that fills our hearts with His light and love.

Everything Starts New

When you return to God's caring arms He receives you just as though you had never sinned. Because of Jesus' shed blood on the cross, God can look at your life and declare you guilt free! Your sins are not only cancelled, they are wipe clean; they are not only forgiven, they are remembered against you no more. Christ's blood pardons you, not because you are innocent, but because He has taken your judgement. After His death, Jesus rose from the grave and returned to heaven. He is alive today so that He can live in you and make all things in your life new.

You're Twice The Lord's

A young boy made a beautiful toy sailboat and took it to a lake to sail, but a gust of wind blew the boat out into the lake. The boat was lost. Several weeks later, the boy saw his sailboat in the window of a toy store. When he asked for his boat, the store owner said, "I own the boat now, if you want it, you will have to buy it back." The boy sold all he had to buy back his boat. After paying the store owner, the boy took his boat to his heart and said, "Little boat, you are twice mine I made you, and now I bought you." Like that little boat, we are twice the Lord's--- He made us, and Christ bought us back by paying the price for our sin with His own blood.

How To Be Forgiven

One of the greatest joys that your heart will ever experience is forgiveness. Nothing else can set you free from guilt of the past, and place your feet on a new path of hope. Forgiveness comes to you as a free gift from God. You cannot earn it in any way. You must only receive it. Forgiveness is not based on what you have done, how good you have tried to be, or how sincere you have been. Your forgiveness is based on the sacrifice that Jesus Christ has made for your sins. It is by His blood alone that you can be forgiven. Your forgiveness is only a prayer away. Turn your heart to God, confess and forsake your sins, and ask Him to cleanse and forgive you. His word says that He will do it by His grace and mercy. As you pray, ask Jesus to live in you and be with you. He will be your Lord and Saviour, and His life will make you new.

Shackle by a heavy burden
'Neath a load of guilt and shame
Then the hand of Jesus touched me
Now I am no longer the same.
He Touched me, O, He touched me
and O the joy that floods my soul
Something happened and now I know
He touched me and made me whole.
Since I met the blessed Saviour
And He cleansed and made me whole
I will never cease to praise Him
I'll shout it while eternity rolls

Praise the Lord He is waiting for you with arms wide open, and He can touch you like He has touched many ... Those words are so true He touched me and changed my life 29 years ago and made me whole!!! He can do it for you ... Please people time is really short and running out, GET READY. Time is running out the END IS NEAR, Heaven and Hell are waiting and the CHOICE is up to YOU, Time is running out ... WHAT WILL YOU DO?

Matthew 24:42 Watch therefore:for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

If you have made a decision to be forgiven and to have eternal life and you would like to meet my best friend Jesus and make Him Lord of your life, have a personal relationship with Him I would like to introduce Him to you, please email us click on mailbox and we will be glad to answer you back and introduce you to my best friend.

Living Waters Pages